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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Jab Gopinath Met Mallya...
Watch Out For the New Deccan - Simplifly...
Not so Simple in Simplfly Deccan...
- Please note: This Rescheduling / Cancellation Policy supersedes all previous rescheduling / cancellation policies; all old rescheduling / cancellation policies will no longer be valid.
Besides this, earlier they used to refund the money if a passenger wished to cancel his/her ticket, but now they have stopped it. Now, they give a credit period of 180 days. Same as all other LCC's. Deccan was the only LCC who used to refund passenger's money. It was jus like a competitve edge for them bt, now they have lost their advantage over others.
Also, in their resheduling they have made following changes-
- If the applicable fare (basic and surcharge) is more than the current fare, the difference amount will be charged to the passenger along with a Rescheduling Fee of Rs.500/- for either advancement / postponement of the flight.
- If the applicable fare (basic and surcharge) is less than the current fare, the difference amount WILL NOT BE REFUNDED to the passenger and difference amount will be charged to the passenger along with a Rescheduling Fee of Rs.500/- for either advancement / postponement of the flight.
By introducing these changes in their policies Deccan has lost its edge.
It used to be a common man's airline but, no more.
A feather of Indian Aviation has been diminshed as soon as it bacame Deccan from Air Deccan.
The policy can be read @ Deccan's website or jus by clickin on the title of this post...
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Spicejet Way...

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Kingfisher Airline the surrogate brand...

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Mergers in Aviation...