From the time Kingfisher acquired a stake of 26% in Air Deccan, I have a gut feeling that this is the beginning of slow but, steady death of Low Cost Airlines in India. The ticket price has risen from the very next day. The colour of Aircrafts, change in attires of Airport staff etc. has been taking place. If Air Deccan dies its slow death, which I strongly feel so, then, I personally don’t think other small players will able to survive for long. Air Deccan was the largest operator in India, with touching more than 60 cities (even more than state owned Air India). If its gone than other players like Spicejet, Indigo Airlines & GoAir which do not constitute more than combined market share of 18-20%, will not be able to survive the blood bath. Next target is Spicejet for, every one from Kingfisher to Jet Airways & even Paramount is also looking for its bigger pie in the acquisition party. GoAir is already in trouble & Indigo will be left alone to wait & watch, it may also convert itself into a full service carrier. If this happens then, it will be blow for the growth of Indian Aviation, as common man may not be able to take on the sky. All blames to Ministry of Civil Aviation because, why the Jet fuel cost is rising in India, while other countries are still able to provide it much cheaper than India. Jet fuel counts nearly 35-40% of total operational cost for an Airline. Is the common mans airlines still for a common man, when the tax paid on an air ticket is Rs. 1500 & the fare is only Rs 1200 i.e. a person has to shell out Rs. 3700 in this case, which is more than triple of the fare. Due to lack of infrastructure Low Cost Airlines are not able to reduce there turn around time, which is the operational advantage for them. With all these adverse conditions how long will they be able to float them self??? Not much longer I think so…

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